X41 D-SEC GmbH Security Advisory: X41-2020-005

Unhashed Passwords Vulnerability in Smarty

Summary and Impact

Passwords are stored in the database in an obfuscated format, which can be easily reverted.

Product Description

Smarty allows you to manage a medical office and patients.


The file data.mdb contains the obfuscated passwords of users which are easily recoverable.

Proof of Concept

The second column is the obfuscated password, eg “aabbccddeeff” and “AABBCCDDEEFF”.

$ mdb-export data.mdb  Passwd

"Heribert Topp-Glücklich","778899::;;<<",1,,1,0,1,"Topp-Glücklich","Heribert"
"Marlies Mustermann","WWXXYYZZ[[\\",0,,2,0,1,"Mustermann","Marlies"


About X41 D-SEC GmbH

X41 is an expert provider for application security services. Having extensive industry experience and expertise in the area of information security, a strong core security team of world class security experts enables X41 to perform premium security services.

Fields of expertise in the area of application security are security centered code reviews, binary reverse engineering and vulnerability discovery. Custom research and a IT security consulting and support services are core competencies of X41.