X41 D-Sec GmbH Security Advisory: X41-2025-001
Multiple Vulnerabilities in OpenSlides
Highest Severity Rating: Medium
Confirmed Affected Versions: 4.2.4
Confirmed Patched Versions: 4.2.5
Vendor: Intevation GmbH
Vendor URL:
Credit: X41 D-Sec GmbH, Eric Sesterhenn
Status: Public
Summary and Impact
X41 identified multiple bugs in OpenSlides, the most severe one being a XSS.
Product Description
The vendor describes the software as “OpenSlides is a powerful and modern, web-based software for the digital organization of your meetings and committees. All user access their committees and meetings via one central URL.”. It is used by various unions (DGB, ver.di) and policital parties (Bündnis 90 Die Grünen, SPD, FDP, Die Linke, CDU,…) and NGOs (Amnesty International, ADFC, VDI,…).
Severity Rating: Medium
Vector: XSS
CVE: CVE-2025-30342
CWE: 80 - Improper Neutralization of Script-Related HTML Tags in a Web Page (Basic XSS)
CVSS Score: 5.5
When submitting descriptions such as Moderator Notes or Agenda Topics to the system, an editor is shown that allows to format the submitted text. This allows to insert various HTML tags, such as a href
. When trying to insert a <script>
tag, it gets properly encoded when reflected. But adding attributes to links is possible, which allows the injection of JavaScript by the onmouseover
tag and others. When a user moves the mouse over such a prepared link, JavaScript will be executed in that user’s session.
This might also be possible in other places where the editor is used.
Proof of Concept
The XSS can be triggered by authenticated users by extending the link attributes:
POST /system/action/handle_request HTTP/2
Host: localhost:8000
Cookie: refreshId=bearer%20ey...
Content-Length: 256
Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform: "Linux"
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
Sec-Ch-Ua: "Chromium";v="133", "Not(A:Brand";v="99"
Authentication: bearer ey...
Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile: ?0
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
Content-Type: application/json
Ngsw-Bypass: true
Origin: https://localhost:8000
Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors
Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty
Referer: https://localhost:8000/1/agenda/topics/1
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Priority: u=1, i
[{"action":"topic.update","data":[{"id":1,"text":"<p>Link with XSS<a target=\"_self\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\" href=\"\" onmouseover=\"alert(1
)\">XXXXXXX</a>X</p>","title":"X41 Summer BBQ","attachment_mediafile_ids":[]}]}]
Timing Differences During Login Allows User Enumeration
Severity Rating: Medium
Vector: Timing Sidechannel
CVE: CVE-2025-3034
CWE: 208: Observable Timing Discrepancy
CVSS Score: 5.3
During login at the endpoint /system/auth/login/
the system’s response times differ depending on whether a user exists in the system. The timing discrepancy stems from the omitted hashing of the password. On the tested system, that discrepancy was 15ms for a non-existing user to 200ms for an existing user.
Proof of Concept
As seen in openslides-auth-service/auth/src/api/services/user-service.ts
, the user password is not hashed and checked when isExisting()
private async readUserFromDatastoreByCredentials(username: string, password: string): Promise<User> {
const userObj = await this.getUserCollectionFromDatastore('username', username);
Logger.debug('User object from datastore: ', userObj);
const users = Object.values(userObj).filter(user => !user.meta_deleted);
if (users.length > 1) {
Logger.error('Multiple users found for same username!');
throw new AuthenticationException('Multiple users with same credentials!');
const thisUser: User = new User(users[0]);
if (!thisUser.isExisting() || !(await this.isPasswordCorrect(password, thisUser.password))) {
throw new AuthenticationException('Username or password is incorrect.');
HTML Injection In Chat Names
Severity Rating: Low
Vector: HTML Injection
CVE: CVE-2025-30345
CWE: 79 - Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation
CVSS Score: 3.5
When creating new chats via the chat_group.create
action, the user is able to specify the name for the chat. Some HTML tags such as script
are filtered, whereas others are not. In most cases, the HTML entities will be encoded properly, but not when deleting chats or deleting messages in these chats. This allows attackers to mess with the layout of the rendered website.
This was not investigated in depth, since chatnames are properly rendered in other places, injected HTML data will raise suspicion and users will likely not click on deleted chat or deleted messages.
Proof of Concept
Inserting a HTML bold tag in the chat name causes part of the message in the confirmation dialog to be rendered bold.
<mat-dialog-content _ngcontent-ng-c1489354388="" class="mat-mdc-dialog-content mdc-dialog__content">HTML<b>INJECTED</b></mat-dialog-content>
Clientside Directory Traversal
Severity Rating: Low
Vector: Directory Traversal
CVE: CVE-2025-30343
CWE: 23 - Relative Path Traversal
CVSS Score: 2.6
Files can be uploaded to OpenSlides meetings and organized in folders. The interface allows users to download a ZIP archive that contains all files in a folder and its subfolders. If an attacker specifies the title of a file or folder as a relative or absolute path (e.g. ../../../etc/passwd
), the ZIP archive generated for download will convert that title into a path. Depending on the extraction tool used by the user, this might overwrite files locally outside of the choosen directory.
2025-03-10 Issues identified
2025-03-18 Vendor contacted
2025-03-18 Vendor reply
2025-03-19 CVE IDs requested
2025-03-19 Patches supplied by vendor and fixed version released
2025-03-20 Advisory released
2025-03-21 CVE IDs assigned