X41 D-Sec GmbH Security Advisory: X41-2018-007

Multiple Vulnerabilities in mgetty


Summary and Impact

Multiple issues have been identified in the mgetty fax software. These might be used by local users to elevate their privileges.

X41 did not perform a full test or audit of the software.

Product Description

From the vendor: For those of you that do not know mgetty+sendfax yet: it’s a reliable and proven fax send and receive solution for unix and Linux. But it can do much more… so read the docs and be surprised.

Shell injection via faxq-helper

In fax/faxq-helper.c function do_activate(), not all characters are properly sanitized to prevent command injection. It is possible to use   , && or > to change the control flow.
        /* replace all quote characters, backslash and ';' by '_' */            
        for( q = buf; *q != '\0'; q++ )                                         
            if ( *q == '\'' || *q == '"' || *q == '`' ||                        
                 *q == '\\' || *q == ';' )                                      
                                    { *q = '_'; }                               

A job file containing malicious input can be constructed using faxq-helper activate <jobid>. One faxrunq is started, the code is executed as the user running the command.

        /* replace all quote characters, backslash and ';' by '_' */            
    #               "   '    `  \    $   ;
    command=`tr -d '\042\047\140\134\044\073' <JOB | \                          
             $AWK 'BEGIN { phone="-"; flags=""; pages="" }                      
                  $1=="phone" { phone=$2 }                                      
                  $1=="header"     { flags=flags" -h "$2 }                      
                  $1=="poll"       { flags=flags" -p" }                         
                  $1=="normal_res" { flags=flags" -n" }                         
                  $1=="acct_handle" { flags=flags" -A \""substr($0,13)"\"" }    
                  $1=="pages" { for( i=2; i<=NF; i++) pages=pages$i" " }        
                  END { printf "'"$FAX_SENDER"' -v%s %s %s", \                  
                               flags, phone, pages }' -`                        
# execute faxsend command                                                       
    $echo "$command"                                                            
    eval $command     

Stack Based Buffer Overflow With Long Username in contrib/next-login/login.c

In file contrib/next-login/login.c the command line parameter username is passed unsanitized to strcpy(), which causes a stack based buffer overflow if too long.

        char tbuf[MAXPATHLEN + 2], tname[sizeof(_PATH_TTY) + 10];               
        if (*argv) {                                                            
                username = *argv;                                               
                ask = 0; 
                if (failures && strcmp(tbuf, username)) {                       
                        if (failures > (pwd ? 0 : 1))                           
                        failures = 0;                                           
                (void)strcpy(tbuf, username); 

Stack Based Buffer Overflow With Long Argument in contrib/scrts.c

In file contrib/scrts.c a stack buffer overflow can be triggered via command line parameter.

int main( int argc, char ** argv )                                              
int i, fd;                                                                      
struct termios tio;                                                             
char device[1000];                                                              
    for ( i=1; i<argc; i++ )                                                    
        if ( strchr( argv[i], '/' ) == NULL )                                   
            sprintf( device, "/dev/%s", argv[i] );                              
            strcpy( device, argv[i] );

Stack Based Buffer Overflow and Command injection in faxrec.c

In file faxrec.c function fax_notify_mail(), the mail_to parameter is not sanitized. It could allow for command injection or a buffer overflow if it is too long. If is called from facrec() which in turn is called from main() in mgetty.c. Since the notify_mail parameter is a configuration parameter, it should only be possible to set it from trusted source. If mgetty would be used with e.g. a webfront end, this might be abused for a privilege escalation.

void fax_notify_mail _P3( (pagenum, ppagenum, mail_to),
                          int pagenum, int ppagenum, char * mail_to )
FILE  * pipe_fp;
char  * file_name, * p;
char    buf[256];
int     r;
time_t  ti;

    lprintf( L_NOISE, "fax_notify_mail: sending mail to: %s", mail_to );

    sprintf( buf, "%s %s >/dev/null 2>&1", MAILER, mail_to );

    pipe_fp = popen( buf, "w" );

Endless loop in g3/g32pbm.c

When converting g32 files using g3/g32pbm.c, an endless loop can be triggered by malformed input file. Example can be found at https://github.com/x41sec/advisories/blob/master/X41-2018-007/files/g32pmb_infinite_loop.

Out Of Bounds Access in g3/pbm2g3.c

When converting pbm files using g3/pbm2g3.c, out of bounds accesses can occur with malformed input files in putwhitespan(). An example can be found with https://github.com/x41sec/advisories/blob/master/X41-2018-007/files/pbm2g2_oob_access.

     putcode( t_white[l].bit_code, t_white[l].bit_length );




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Fields of expertise in the area of application security are security centered
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